Current Prices Of Studio Equipment In Nigeria.

Recording Studio Equipment In Nigeria And Their Prices In 2024.

As an up-and-coming musician, you can benefit so much if you are able to set up your own small home recording studio, and if you have the knowledge of how to set up your own small home recording studio, then I am going to reveal to you in this article, the current prices of studio equipment here in Nigeria.

This price is updated from time to time, so it doesn’t really matter the time you get to read it as it will still remain current.

Recording Studio Equipment In Nigeria And Their Prices in 2024.

Below are the recording studio equipment and their current prices in this 2024:

  1. Desktop computer or laptop – between N80,000 & N500,000
  2. Studio monitors – between N300,000 & N500,000
  3. Microphones (Condensers and dynamics) – between N250,000 & N500,000
  4. Headphones – between N50,000 & N300,000
  5. MIDI keyboard – between N300,000 & 500,000
  6. Audio interface/soundcard – between N350,000 – 1,000,000
  7. DAWs – between N200,000 – 300,000
  8. Cables – between 50,000 – N350,000
  9. Mic stand – between N50,000 – N250,000
  10. Pop filter – between N100,000 – N300,000.

Desktop computer or laptop – between N80,000 & N500,000.

The number one recording studio equipment you need to purchase in Nigeria is a desktop computer or laptop and it’s price will range between 80,000 (eighty thousand) to 500,000 (five hundred thousand).

It is a desktop computer or laptop that will allow you to install DAW’s as well as connect your other recording studio equipment through cables and interfaces to enable you start your music production.

Studio monitors – between N300,000 & N500,000.

Another recording studio equipment you need to get is the studio monitors also called monitor speakers, and it’s price in 2024 will range between 300,000 (three hundred) and 500,000 (five hundred thousand Naira).

It is the studio monitors that will enable you to listen to as well as mixing and mastering your digital audio production in a recording studio.

Microphones (Condensers and dynamics) – between N250,000 & N500,000.

Microphones in a recording studio usually comes in two types, condensers and dynamics and their price in 2024 will range between 250,000 (two hundred and fifty thousand) and 500,000 (five hundred thousand Naira).

Of course it is the microphones that will help you to capture the vocals of an artists as well as other external sounds like a guitar and trumpet that your audio production requires.

Headphones – between N50,000 & N300,000.

The price of headphones in a recording studio in Nigeria will range between 50,000 (fifty thousand) and 300,00 (three hundred thousand Naira) in 2024.

The work of an headphone in a recording studio is to enable the artist listen to their beat while rendering the vocals for capturing on the microphone.

MIDI keyboard – between N300,000 & 500,000.

Midi keyboard is a recording studio equipment that is sold around 300,000 (three hundred thousand) and 500,000 (five hundred thousand Naira) in Nigeria in 2024.

It is the midi keyboard that enables the producer in a recording studio to record every sounds and effects that is needed in an audio production.

Audio interface/soundcard – between N350,000 – 1,000,000.

An audio interface, also known as soundcard in a recording studio equipment in Nigeria that is sold around 350,000 (three hundred and fifty thousand) and 1,000,000 one million Naira) depending on the number of channels it can carry.

The work of a soundcard is to enable the producer get his sound clarity while also filtering any unwanted noise in the background during the vocal recording.

DAWs – between N200,000 – 300,000.

DAW is an acronym for Digital Work Station, and it is a recording studio equipment in Nigeria that is sold between 200,000 (two hundred) and 300,000 (three hundred thousand Naira) in 2024.

DAW is either a software or hardware that enables the producer to record and assemble the sounds in sequences.

Cables – between 50,000 – N350,000.

The price of cables in a recording studio in Nigeria in 2024 will range between 50,000 (fifty thousand) and 3350,000 (three hundred and fifty thousand Naira)

Cables are used to connect instruments into the desktop computer or laptop.

Mic stand – between N50,000 – N250,000.

Mic stand for a recording studio will cost between 50,000 (fifty thousand) and 250,000 (two hundred and fifty thousand Naira) in Nigeria in 2024.

As the name implies, mic stand is used for lending support for the microphone.

Pop filter – between N100,000 – N300,000.

The cost of a pop filter for recording studio in Nigeria will cost around 100,000 (one hundred thousand) and 300,000 (three hundred thousand Naira).

If we have not mentioned any equipment you seek to know the price above, please notify us via the comment section and we will check and update the price immediately.

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