How To Post Music Online For Free.

How To Post Music Online For Free.

If you’ve been asking yourself the question: where can I post my music online for free? then this article is really for you, and I hope you read it to the very end to discover how.

Lots of upcoming artists in Nigeria are finding it very difficult to get the best out of their music promotion.

This is due to the high cost of music promotion by popular music blogs in the country.

And the saddest part of it is that after paying this huge amount of money to popular music blogs; these upcoming artists still find it hard to blow into the music industry as they thought.

In this article therefore we are going to expose the truth about online music promotion in Nigeria before we move on to show you how to promote your music for free.

The truth about online music promotion in Nigeria.

Online music blogs depend on their organic visitors to consume the music of upcoming artists they are promoting.

You also need to understand that it is not only music that brings these visitors to these blogs, most of them pursue an interest that differs.

Another reason is that most music consumers do not care to listen to music from upcoming artists; as they hold the view that their music is of low quality and standard.

Thus, these music consumers need to relate with you first as an artist and be certain your music is dope before they even care to listen to or download your music.

How to post music online for free.

If you want to post music online for free, you have to upload your music to free music upload websites and apps like Soundcloud, Audiomack, Google Play, Jamendo etc.

You can look up the above sites on search engines and upload your music for free.

But if you want a free music promotion for free online, you can continue to read this article in order to discover how.

How can I promote my music online for free?

To promote your music online for free, you must adopt or follow the following strategies:

  1. Search engine optimization.
  2. Press coverage.
  3. Artwork and banner promotion.
  4. Music awards, DJ mix, and playlist promotion.

1. Search engine optimization.

One of the ways to promote your music for free is to optimize your songs for search engines, and one of the most popular search engines in the world is Google.

When you optimize your music for search engines, it will help people who are looking up for you on Google or other search engines to find you.

Also, if your artiste name or song title relates to other keywords, then you will also appear when people are searching for those keywords.

So whether you promote your music on popular or upcoming blogs, you will still appear on search engines.

2. Press coverage.

Any blog that wants to give you an effective online music promotion will help you to get press coverage.

It is this press coverage that will help online music consumers get to know you well, and in so doing build in them the confidence that will move them to listen to or download your music.

3. Artwork and banner promotion.

There are fans who need to see you again and again before they can be moved to listen to your music.

And for that reason, a music blog will use artwork and banners to blast you in front of their visitors who will be moved one day to listen to and download your music.

These artworks and banners will contain clickable links that people will follow to download and listen to your music.

4. Music awards, DJ mix, and playlist promotion.

Another means of achieving cheap and online music promotion is by including your songs in proposed music awards, DJ mixes, and playlists.


Here on Taculia Records, we have a music blog where we help upcoming artists promote their music.

Our price is cheap and affordable.

And if you want to promote your music with us learn more and contact us.

Or use the WhatsApp link or contact form below to chat with us directly or send us a message.

Please don’t forget to share this article with other upcoming musicians who are looking for a way to promote their music online for free in Nigeria.