How To Release Music As An Independent Artist.

How To Release Music As An Independent Artist.

In this article, I will be revealing to you how to release your music as an independent artist.

One of the worst things a musician will attempt to do while starting out his musical career is trying to release an EP or album.

And the simple reason is that you are going to put yourself through so much stress in trying to push all the music in that EP or album out at the same time.

Moreover, online music consumers will not care to spend that much time listening to more than one track at once from a musician they haven’t heard about before.

Therefore, more money, energy, and time will be spent on promoting an EP or album by an upcoming musician.

How do artist release their music independently?

The best way to release your music as an independent artist is to use the ‘single-release strategy” which implies releasing your music as singles and not as an EP or album.

This is because, when you release your music as singles, you will be able to invest all your resources, time, and energy into making that one track really stand out.

What you need to do.

  1. Get at least 4 to 5 tracks ready upfront, and of course, the 4 or 5 tracks are the required tracks for an EP.
  2. Set at least 3 to 4 months between the release of each of those singles, and give yourself a 3 to 4 months gap between each release.
  3. Put aside a budget that will enable you to distribute your songs as you release them to digital stores, promote them on music blogs, submit them to playlists and run Ads to reach a wider audience.
  4. With each release, you must then target how to build and grow your fanbase. Keep in mind that there are most people that will shine your music when they come across it for the first time, but when they happen upon it again, especially if they hear another person playing it, they are definitely going to consume your music instantly.

Everybody loves to go with the trend, so the more people are seeing your songs on blogs, or some other people consuming them, they will never hesitate to follow suit.

Advantages and disadvantages of releasing music as an independent artist.

In the modern-day music industry, it is very easy for musicians to release their own songs (music) without looking up to any record label.

Thus, independent artists in Nigeria should start thinking of breaking into the mainstream without the support of a record label.

Digital music distribution, streaming platforms, social media, online marketing tools, and technology advancements are fast changing the way musicians today can release music and reach a wider audience.

Therefore, when starting out your music career, you have to ask yourself if you should release music as an independent artist or sign a deal with a record label. This guide lists the advantages and disadvantages of releasing music as an independent artist.

Advantages of releasing a song as an independent artist.

The advantages of releasing your song as an independent artist are;

  1. Have 100% control of your music
  2. Keep 100% of your profits
  3. Owning your music rights. 
  4. Using online music services.


Independent artists have 100% control over their master recordings, digital distribution, marketing, messaging, tours, shows, and lots more.

Moreover, the independent artist has the free will to make decisions about their creative vision. They can willingly make any music of their choice.

Whereas, signed artists can only sing about what their record labels desire.


As an Independent artist, you are free to keep 100% of the profits generated from your music sales, streams,  merchandise, licensing deals, and other revenue sources.


Independent artists own the master rights to their music. Thus they have the freedom to negotiate their music licensing and publishing deals. Moreover, they don’t have to worry about confusing contracts, hiring expensive lawyers, and signing over their music rights to someone else.


The digital era provides a variety of music services and tools for independent artists. In the modern world, musicians have access to music distribution, marketing, streaming, merchandise creation, and other services.

The internet also makes it easy for musicians to reach new audiences. They can now deliver their music to digital music stores, music platforms, and streaming services, even without signing a record deal.

Disadvantages of releasing a song as an independent artist.

The disadvantages of releasing music as an independent artist are:

  1. Lack of resources and budget. 
  2. No networking
  3. Limited music business experience.
  4. Time and commitment.


Funding your music recording, distribution, marketing, merchandise, touring, and other expenses are usually very expensive.

Many independent artists in Nigeria lack the resources and money, and for that reason, only a record label can advance such expenses.


Independent artists starting their music career in Nigeria will always lack a network of fans and industry contacts.

Whereas record labels already have a larger fanbase as well as connections with music industry professionals such as promoters, booking agents, media, etc.


Learning the basics of the music business is so challenging because it requires so much time and experience.

There are lots of parts to manage, trends that are continuously changing, music laws, and much more.

Thus, you need to go through expensive lessons in order to figure out what works and what doesn’t.


Aiming to become an independent artist is really time-consuming.

Releasing your music alone can seem like a full-time job. It requires a lot of time to set up distribution, create all the release assets, develop a marketing strategy, track sales, book shows, and everything else associated with releasing music. All this extra work also takes away valuable studio time.

So, therefore, before you conclude becoming an independent artist and releasing your songs alone, make sure you take all these advantages and disadvantages into consideration.