How To Join Dapper Record Label In Nigeria.

How To Join Dapper Record Label In Nigeria.

Joining a record label is one of the road to success for every musician because the record labels already have a vast fan base that will help the artists song reach a wider audience.
In this post therefore, we are going to look at how to join Dapper record label in Nigeria.

How to join Dapper record label in Nigeria.

To join Dapper record label in Nigeria, you must ensure you are a very talented, hard working, a strategic musician who understands the music business, and moreover have a cooperating attitude that will enable you stick to the terms aand conditions of the record deal.

Below is a step-by-step guide that will increase your chances of joining Dapper record label.

  1. Prepare your music professionally.
  2. Study and make the kind of music Dapper artists are making.
  3. Build an outstanding brand.
  4. Distribute your music to streaming and download platforms.
  5. Promote your music.
  6. Network and collaborate with Dapper record representatives and artists.
  7. Get prepared for the application process.

1. Prepare your music professionally.

If you want to join Dapper record label, the first thing you need to do is prepare your music professionally. This means that you should have a high-quality recorded song or songs that will captivate music listeners when they have the opportunity to listen.

The best way I recommend for upcoming artists to make professional music is to find an A-List music producer who understands what the music industry needs and has produced countless songs that are making waves in the industry for big artists.

Though this is often expensive, but as I always love to say “music is business” and you must have the money to invest in it, and if you are not financially sound yourself, then you need to find someone who will sponsor your music career.

2. Study and make the kind of music Dapper artists are making.

Another step you need to take if you want to join Dapper record is to study and make the kind of music artists who are already signed to the label are making.

Now when you study the music industry we have in Nigeria, you will realize that all the record labels have their unique style of music, and the best way to prove to that record label that you are eligible to join them is making your music to sound similar to theirs.

3. Build an outstanding brand.

Building an outstanding brand is another way to increase your chances of joining Dapper record label in Nigeria.

In order to do this you need to establish your presence online by creating an account in all the outstanding social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube etc.

Now ensure you make your brand recognizable by adding your official logo, artworks, profile pics, artists bio, contact details etc. Make sure you also engage with your audience by responding to their comments, and fostering a loyal community.

4. Distribute your music to streaming and download platforms.

As a strategic record label in Nigeria, Dapper music are always on the lookout for artists who are breaking streams record on digital stores, so if you want to join them ensure you distribute your music to those platforms to stay visible.

Always Ensure you meet the submission requirements, which includes format, genre, and content.

5. Promote your music.

Promoting your music is another way that will help you to join Dapper music because with music promotion you will be able to increase your visibility and get noticed by Dapper record label.

Also ensure you stand out as a musician on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube etc. by promoting your music, not forgetting to engage with your audience, and demonstrate your marketability.

6. Network and collaborate with Dapper record representatives and artists.

Networking and collaborating with Dapper record label representatives and artists is another great way that will increase your chances of joining the Dapper record label.

To network and collaborate with Dapper record label representatives will require you to attend music industry events, showcase your talent by performing at local concerts and festivals.

7. Get prepared for the application process.

Don’t forget to get yourself prepared in case Dapper music invites you for an interview to see if you are eligible to join their record label.

The process of preparation will involve having the necessary documents, such as residence proof and music ownership rights.

Also ensure you have your compelling artists bio that highlights your unique selling points, achievements so far in the music industry, and career goals.

Remember there will always be an audition and interview before you join the Dapper record label in Nigeria, so ensure you are always prepared to showcase and proof your talent when the opportunity finally presents itself.

8. Be patient.

Don’t get caught up in the thought of joining Dapper music when it seems like it’s taking too long for you dreams to manifest, rather be patient and stay focused on improving your craft.

And even when you are rejected at every given opportunity, use that as an opportunity to learn and grow.

If you are able to follow the above steps and demonstrate your talent, dedication, and passion, you will find yourself in the position of increasing your chances of joining Dapper Records in Nigeria.